File FBAR Online - Report of Foreign Bank Account Reporting

Govt Says That Saha Owes $230K In FBAR Penalties And Interests

2022-06-02 08:22:03 by Erwin Mattegon

A Missouri Federal Court has been told by the U.S. Government that Sankar Saha owes over $230,000 to the Internal Revenue Service in penalties and interest accrued on several foreign bank accounts he neglected to disclose.From 2008 up until 2014, Sankar S ...

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Couples Bid To Void FBAR Settlement Rejected

2022-06-02 08:21:40 by Erwin Mattegon

A D.C. federal judge has ruled, thwarting a couple's attempt to renege on a $511k agreement made with the IRS as settlement for failing to report their Swiss bank account interests, saying they voluntarily entered the agreement. The Court dismissed the ca ...

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Calif. Court Orders Ariz. Man To Pay $309k In FBAR Penalties

2022-06-02 08:20:33 by Erwin Mattegon

Paradise Valley's Robert Goldsmith has been ordered by a California Federal Court to pay $309k in fines for neglecting to disclose an inherited Swiss bank account from 2008 to 2010, stating that the evidence showed clearly that Goldsmith acted recklessly. ...

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Woman's Heirs Say IRS Misled Her Into Paying $157K Penalty

2022-06-02 08:11:12 by Erwin Mattegon

According to the lady's heirs, the IRS "lured" an older woman into reimbursing a $157,000 penalty for failing to register her overseas bank accounts with the false claim of dismissing her outstanding tax debt. Margaret J. Jones paid the penalty to pa ...

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